Pascal Programs
- Crossword
- This provides you with 6 crosswords
to solve. Solutions are also provided. Will not work
with resolutions less than 640 x 480.
- 1) Download program (52KB)
- 2) Download program (52KB)
- Download source code (12KB)
- Cricket
- Now don't expect any dazzling graphics
here. This is a very simple program. Does not require the
BGI files. It is absolutely text-oriented. Since it was
written a long time ago, you will find the composition of
most of the teams pretty outdated. Also, only select
teams are featured and the statistics are maintained only
for the Indian team. Don't mind that - it would have been
too much trouble to include everything.
- Download (28KB)
- Blackjack
- The card game - only thing is, you don't
see any cards, just the numbers - in short, a text-based
program again.
- 1) Download program (21KB)
- 2) Download program (21KB)
- Download source code (2KB)
- Cross
'n' Noughts
- Here are the X's and the O's. Absolutely
text-based so the BGI files are not required. Some find
it a little complicated but it is really quite simple.
Known bug : When you say 'yes' to 'play again?' and
specify the input symbol, it may say 'invalid symbol'.
Just input the symbol again.
- Telephone
- A simple text-based (no BGI files
required) telephone directory with quite a few
features especially for searches.
- Download program (7KB)
- Download source code (8KB)
- Calculator
- A simple, rather primitive graphical
calculator. Does not have many functions, no help file
either (not that many of the others have one). This is
because I got bored of it and left it incomplete. You
cannot perform operations on more than 2 operands at a
- 1) Download program (25KB)
- 2) Download program (25KB)
- Download source code (5KB)
- Day
of the Week
- Tells you the day of the week for a date
provided by you. Does not require BGI files. Valid from
January 1, 1901. I have tested it extensively and it
seems to be ok. No Y2K problems either!
- Download (5KB)
- Roman
- This program converts a decimal number
input by you to a Roman numeral. The number should be
less than 3000. Does not require BGI files.
- Download (4KB)
- Analog
- Has no practical application really,
unless you want to use your PC as a clock and leave it on
with the program running (idea for a screensaver here). I
made it for a Software Development Contest in college.
Hey, I forgot - it also shows time in digital format. And
yeah - it needs the BGI files and a resolution of 640
x 480.
- 1) Download program (30KB)
- 2) Download program (30KB)
- Download source code (13KB)
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